The United Kingdom is standing at a precipice and will soon fall. Our economy is shattered, as the cost-of-living crises ravages the vulnerable—nine million of whom rely on food banks to survive. The prospect of war looms over our nation, as fear and the stress of making ends meet each day bereft people of peace and security.
However, while political annalists pontificate on how to solve the poly-crises our country is in, they fail to comprehend the root cause of the problems. Accordingly, they fail to stop the inevitable. But what is the root cause, and why is our nation in such a mess?
The answer is simple. Likewise, so is the solution, but sadly, people do not want to listen. The problem is sin. The solution is repentance. However, the sad reality is the problem requires the church - those who represent the Holy Name of God to repent and turn from their lawless ways.
The fact is, the church is sick due to sin. It has failed to be salt and light in a deprived world. Instead it has embraced the lawless nature of the world. Consequently, the church has become an image of the world and not of the God it professes to worship. Instead of being set apart unto God - Holy, it has become set apart unto the world - holy unto lawlessness. A reality evident in the politically correct, liberal, woke, inclusive theology prevalent in the church, rather than standing on the word of God and challenging sin.
However, it is not only the politically correct theology that is the problem. The church also fails to see the harsh reality of our nation's current situation. Instead they listen to false prophets who say, all is well. Peace, peace, and revival are coming. However, nothing could be far from the truth.
Scripture repeatedly attests that when a nation turns from God, the LORD allows its enemies to come against it as judgment. The blessings once bestowed are stopped as God removes His hand of protection, His favour, resulting in the nation coming under a curse.
Our nation is on the brink of a unfathomable economic collapse and famine. A reality that will be compounded by the soon coming war. Yet, our politicians in their arrogance and pride believe we have nothing to fear. The reality is our pride will be our downfall.
The ONLY solution is for the people of God to stand in the gap and REPENT. To cry out to God. However, we must understand that just as God instructed Jeremiah, our Nation is under judgment and we cannot stop this from transpiring. It will happen! However, by repenting we can stem the severity.
Furthermore, scripture informs us that judgment commences with the House of God. Thus, the church must prepare. God is going to deal with the hirelings who fail to shepherd His people - the pastors, church leaders, and false prophets who have not rightly divided the word of God and thus misrepresent the Living God. Therefore for the sake of His Holy name, the LORD is going to remove these shepherds and raise up Godly men to lead His people.
Repentance is needed. The people of God need to understand what it means to walk Holy before the LORD and worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.